Friday, April 11, 2008

The Eiffel Tower, the dreamer and me.

The couples made it more beautiful. 

I know its a cliche, but lest we forget, I am a girl and I do have a great big heart.  Seeing these two couples standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, one young, one older about twenty feet apart from one another standing  on the great big lawn/garden. They were both embraced, the younger couple just staring out across the at Paris, taking everything in, the older couple alternately kissing and looking up at the tower, whispering to one another in that secret language that two people in love share. 

It was the first time I felt completely overwhelmed by the romantic nature of the city of lights. It made me both a little hopeful and a little sad in equal measure.  Like bk said: "Its universally understood that you can't go to Paris without thinking about love, wishing for love or being in love."

At the Eiffel Tower is the moment when it gets the best of you. 



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