Thursday, December 27, 2007

Trip Changes

I had suspected it might happen, but its finally come to fruition...we've made the decision to leave a day later on Saturday instead of Friday which will put us in the thicket of holiday drivers heading home but also give us time to recuperate from the holiday weekend. The time change though not so drastic is taking a bit of a toll on my body, coupled with two overnight flights, its a wonder I can still write a sentence (only barely though). It'll give me the opportunity to spend time with the niece and nephew (and maybe even a friend or two) without feeling like I have to rush away again.

Besides, after having taken a big fall in the shower, I'm not quite looking forward to sitting on my bruised bum for twelve hours and more time to blog incessantly.

Apparently I woke up a few days ago with much more to say than usual, but I hope to keep my friends entertained with little tidbits as I come across them. Enjoy.

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